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How to keep your mind active?


How to keep our mind active?
Parts of mind

 It is very important to keep our minds active and fine, even in old age. A healthy mind always gives us a positive result. From an inactive mind, you can’t expect a good response in any walk of life. So we should try to make our mind active with the help of some tricks.

Today, most of the people are living in great stress to complete their needs, but it is not good. 
How to keep our mind active?
We have to work according to our need. There is no end to our need. If we don’t hear of our minds, in the long run, it will affect our mind and in that condition, nobody will help you. It may cause hypertension, blood pressure, and other severe heart problem. So peace of mind is very important.
How to keep our mind active?
Brain nerves
1.Always take nutritious food
 To protect the mind, we should always take the food which is full of anti-oxidant, these foods protect the cells from certain damage in the body.
The richest sources of antioxidant foods are a lemon, strawberry, dry fruits, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, eggs, and fish.
How to keep our mind active?
Brain nerves
2.Always try to activate your mind
 As it is said that our mind is just like a machine, as much as you use your mind more it will be active. So always try to read and write something.
Try to solve some brain game like Sudoku, puzzle, and online brain game. Try to sing something and always try to use whatever related to our brain in doing something.
 3. Do Musical Exercise (aerobics)
When our age increases, the relation of neurons breaks, but when we do physical labor or exercise, it protects the cell damage. That person who is fitting their mind will be also fit. As I say it, “A healthy body has a healthy mind”.  The people who regularly exercise or yoga to everyone that they have healthy the mind. Today everybody will suggest that do yoga, exercise, aerobics, and other hard physical work like don’t use lift use stairs this is an exercise, swimming, running, playing in the field, these are the well-known physical exercise.
 4.Don’t take the stress
 Stress is responsible for damage to the brain cells. It also affects the power of learning, memorizing. So please try to be calm every time. If the condition is critical, you may take the help of yoga and meditation. Always try to be happy. Time to time take part in the TV laughing show, which may reduce stress. If you are really interested,  
To involve in taking peace of mind please try to walk near the garden, a nearby river or sea beach it will relax your mind and body. Also, this activity gives a good result in our digestive system, nervous system, on blood circulation and also on our breathing system.
How to keep our mind active?

 5.Take enough sleep
 Sleeping is very necessary along with work. For maximum comfort to our mind, please try to take eight hours sleeping. The capacity may become double when we take enough sleeping. In the current situation, people are not taking enough sleep because of their hectic work schedules. It may cause obesity also.
So, dear friend,
I will appeal to you please hear your heart and act accordingly.


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