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7 superfoods that makes your body and brain strong

"7 superfoods that make your body and brain strong"

By: Pankaj Kumar |in Health Tips
Balanced and nutritious food is not only important for our body but also for our mental health. 

Our body also requires this nutrition that makes your body and brain strong and also keeps our mind active. Mostly super-foods comprise all the nutritious element like protein, vitamin, minerals, and useful elements.
We should use super-foods regularly in our regular diet. So today in this article we will highlight superfoods that make your body and brain strong.
 1. Whole Grain
The whole word exactly refers to the unique and real features of the grain like bran, germ and also an endosperm is used. If any of any element is missing then you may not predict that it is whole grain.
 We know that for proper working in our day-to-day life we have to eat healthy and nutritious food. The brain requires energy to work properly. Whole grain is a rich source of energy and fibers.

These contain the high quantity of glucose which provides energy to our bodies. Today in our daily activities we have to perform so many works that require many diets which gives us strength, and that makes you physically stronger and healthy.

        During the selection of whole grain, we have to choose those products which contain a lower level of GI, which helps the glucose to follows in blood vessels slowly. These process helps us to provide the energy the whole day. In the categories of whole grain, we may select rice, wheat, and other whole grain.

 Whole grain is very much effective for the reduction of blood cholesterol level and also there is a good possibility of the lower risk of heart disease. When we eat whole grain, it contains a natural source of fiber that also reduces constipation and overall health benefits.

 These are whole grain like oat, barley, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, whole wheat, and millets.
So when you are using whole grain in your daily diet that makes your body and brain strong. 
2. Blue Berries a great source of Anti-oxidant
A recent study has revealed a secret that blueberries are useful in protecting us from Alzheimer, is the disease and Parkinson disease they are the rich sources of phytochemical which are very effective and protects us from so many diseases. During the selection of fruits and vegetables dark red and purple color fruits and vegetables are more useful super foods that make your body and brain strong. 
"7 superfoods that makes your body and brain strong"

These products contain the element which saves us from brain-related problems because of its great source of anti-oxidant. It also reduces high blood pressure and therefore helps in protecting from heart disease. This super-food also helps in improving memory power and brain function.
3. Tomato
A dark red tomato is a good source of antioxidant. It contains a high quantity of vitamins, potassium, and lycopene. Tomato is a popular vegetable in our kitchen and it can be mixed with any other vegetables which make the food delicious.
"7 superfoods that makes your body and brain strong"

 We can use it as a raw, as a sauce, as a puree or with any other types. Tomato protects us from the problems created by dementia or Alzheimer, is a disease. One secret aspect of tomato is that if you eat along with olive oil its effects and taste increases.
4. Broccoli
Broccoli is a rich source of many vitamins. It improves the power of the brain because of its cognitive functions. The researchers disclose that it is very important for the brain proper functioning. 
"7 superfoods that makes your body and brain strong"

This is the super food which helps in enhancing the memory power and tiredness that makes your body and brain strong.
5. Vitamins  
As we know that deficiency of vitamins in our diet produces so many diseases. We should take many vitamins like Vitamin B, C, and D which are available in milk, fish, green vegetables and fruits.
"7 superfoods that makes your body and brain strong"

Some vitamins and folic acid reduce the level of homocysteine which may increase the chances of stroke and Alzheimer, is a disease.
So we should take this super-food that makes our body and brain strong
6. Dry fruits
All the dry fruits are the rich source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and also a good substitute for those who are consuming a high-calorie diet. Because of these nutritional value most of the doctor's advice to take this super-food that makes your body and brain strong. Now I want to highlight super-foods like the almond, cashews, raisins, and apricot.
"7 superfoods that makes your body and brain strong"
Dry fruits

Almond is a great source of protein and anti-oxidant and has no cholesterol at all. They provide relief from skin, teeth and hair disorder. It also provides relief from constipation and respiratory disorder.

 Cashews also provide sufficient energy and a rich source of vitamin E and vitamin B6 and high content of copper which helps in preventing cancer. It keeps our heart healthy because of the content of copper it keeps our hair blackish.

 It also keeps our bone and nerves healthy. Raisins reduce weight, helps in digestion, reduces acidity, prevent cancer and also helps in improving a sexual weakness.
Apricot is a good source of vitamin A, a good source of anti-oxidant, good for the heart and rich in fiber.
 We may consume along with some foods or may be taken alone.
So if you are using these super foods that make your body and brain strong.  

7. Blackcurrant

Black currant is a rich source of vitamins and three times greater than orange which prevent the aging factor. Blackcurrant is very helpful to control your high blood sugar level which is not useful for good health, by controlling this problem it helps in keeping our cardiovascular system healthy.
"7 superfoods that makes your body and brain strong"
Black currant

The omega-3 fatty acid is useful for our body which you will get from this super food besides this it has anti-carcinogenic properties.  


Now, I will advise my readers that to keep your body and brain strong is in your control. To maintain your body in tune to your health use these super-foods in your daily diet.
If you find this article is informative/interesting, please share with your friends and relatives.


The information given in this blog post is for general purpose only and should not be taken by anybody in medical purpose or as an option of medical advice. Although I have tried to provide you accurate information, I make no assurance of the accurateness of the same.

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